Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The List of Food High in Cholesterol Content

            It is important for anybody to understand that the safe range of cholesterol intake is range from  200-400 milligrams per day. Cholesterol is needed by the body for several function, so cholesterol shoulh be consumed by us. 50%  the need of cholesterol is synthesize in the body, and its 50% requirement should be supplied from outside (from food). Here the list of top 100 common foods with the highest cholesterol contens
Table 1: List of top 100 common foods with the highest cholesterol content.
Cholesterol food sources
Cholesterol content (mg/ 100 g edible food portion)
Beef, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, simmered
Veal, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, braised
Beef, variety meats and by-products, brain, raw
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, braised
Lamb, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, pan-fried
Egg, yolk, dried
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, brain, raw
Veal, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, pan-fried
Lamb, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, braised
Egg, whole, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced
Beef, variety meats and by-products, brain, cooked, pan-fried
Egg, whole, dried
Veal, variety meats and by-products, brain, raw
Lamb, variety meats and by-products, brain, raw
Egg, yolk, raw, fresh
Egg, yolk, raw, frozen
Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, sugared
Egg, yolk, raw, frozen, salted
Egg, turkey, whole, fresh, raw
Egg, duck, whole, fresh, raw

Friday, July 15, 2011

Animal Husbandry - Events

Near Kirkuk, Iran, the dog is domesticated from the Asian wolf.
Middle East
Cattle are domesticated in the Middle East, probably from the wild ox Bos taurus.
Asia Minor
The earliest known domesticated pigs are kept at the village site of Cayonu, Asia Minor.
The wheat–barley/cattle–pigs–sheep agricultural complex reaches what is modern Bulgaria. The complex diffuses both east and west at a rate of about 1.5 km/1 mi per year from its centre in the fertile crescent.
South America
The llama and alpaca are domesticated in present-day Peru.
Africa, Egypt, Middle East, China, Europe
The ass, the first draft animal, is domesticated and is in common use in northeast Africa, Egypt, the Mediterranean basin, and both the Near and Far East. They are used as pack animals and are in regular service on caravan routes stretching from eastern Europe and northern Africa to India and China.
Middle East
Camels are domesticated in the Middle East.
Europe, Central Asia
The horse is domesticated, probably by pastoral nomads in the Ukraine.
Elephants are domesticated in India.
United Arab Emirates
Veterinarians in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, announce the birth of Rama the ‘cama’, the first cross between a camel and a llama. It has the long fleece of llama but the strength of a camel; it has no hump.
September 2001
Asia's first suspected case of BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease) is reported on a farm in Chiba, near Tokyo in Japan.
September 2001
In the UK the 2,000th confirmed case of foot and mouth disease is recorded. It becomes the world's worst outbreak in both duration and number of farm animals slaughtered.
After an epidemic lasting almost 11 months, livestock in the UK is declared free of foot-and-mouth disease.
The USA confirms its first case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) at a farm in the state of Washington, leading to a widespread ban by other countries on US beef imports.
October 2005

Spreading from Asia, a dangerous strain of bird flu with the potential to trigger a pandemic affecting humans reaches Europe as cases of the disease are identified during the month in Romania, Turkey and Greece.
January 2006
The first human deaths from bird flu outside East Asia are recorded in Turkey as four children die of the lethal H5N1 strain of the virus in early January.
April 2006
Bird flu reaches the United Kingdom as a dead swan in Fife, Scotland, tests positive for the virulent H5N1 strain of the disease. Later in the month, the less dangerous H7 strain of the virus is found to have infected poultry on farms in Norfolk, England, necessitating the culling of thousands of chickens.
England Hungary
An outbreak of the H5N1 strain of avian flu is confirmed at a turkey farm in Suffolk in England, prompting the slaughter of 159,000 birds. Subsequent scientific investigation into the source of the infection suggests a link to an earlier outbreak of the virus in Hungary.
A second outbreak in Britain of the H5N1 strain of avian flu is discovered at a farm in Suffolk, England, necessitating a mass cull of poultry.

Source:  http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Animal+Technology

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Maafkan Aku

Ramadlan sebentar lagi tiba. Mari sucikan hati, sikap dan perbuatan. Saya sekeluarga dengan tulus mohon maaf atas segala dosa dan kesalahan kami selama ini. Mudah-mudahan kita semua mendapat ampunan dan rakhmat dari Allah s.w.t

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Susu Kambing, Sunnah Rasulullah yang Telah Dilupakan

Susu kambing adalah minuman yang tidak kalah bergizinya dibandingkan dengan susu sapi. Bahkan keluhan-keluhan kesehatan yang sering dijumpai akibat minum susu sapi tidak pernah ditemui beritanya pada orang-orang yang mengkonsumsi susu kambing.

Susu kambing dapat menjadi alternatif bagi konsumen yang mempunyai alergi terhadap susu sapi. Boleh jadi itulah hikmahnya mengapa dalam riwayat-riwayat shahih tentang kehidupan Nabi Muhammad saw dan sahabat-sahabatnya kita temui kisah mereka minum susu kambing, dan bukan susu sapi!

Namun, manfaat susu kambing sayangnya masih belum disadari oleh kebanyakan kaum muslimin termasuk bangsa Indonesia yang merupakan penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia.

Sebagaimana di negara-negara Eropa Barat dan Amerika Serikat, di Indonesiapun susu sapi dan berbagai produk olahannya lebih memasyarakat dan lebih mudah dijumpai di pasaran dibandingkan dengan susu kambing.

Sunnah Rasulullah yang telah dilupakan

Rasulullah saw. pernah bersabda sebagaimana yang diriwayatkan dalam HR. Muslim bahwa Islam datang dalam keadaan asing dan pada akhirnya akan datang suatu masa di mana Islam akan menjadi asing kembali. Karena dalam memahami dan mempraktekkan ajaran-ajaran Islam seorang muslim diperintahkan Allah SWT. untuk meneladani Rasulullah saw. (QS. 33: 21)[1], maka dalam sejarahnya terdapat pula masa di mana praktek meneladani semaksimal mungkin seluruh sikap dan perilaku sehari-hari Rasulullah – termasuk kebiasaan makan dan minumnya – mengalami masa awal yang asing dan masa kemudian yang asing pula. Di antara jenis minuman yang biasa diminum oleh Rasulullah saw. adalah susu kambing segar, yakni langsung diminum sesudah diperah dari ambing kambing (kisah Abdullah bin Mas’ud pada masa remaja saat dia menggembalakan kambing milik Uqbah bin Mu’aith)[2]. Namun, berapa persen dari penduduk muslim di seluruh dunia ini – terlepas dari kemampuan ekonominya – yang punya kebiasaan minum susu kambing? Atau lebih spesifisik lagi: berapa persen dari seluruh kaum muslimin di dunia ini yang tahu akan manfaat susu kambing?
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