Fact sheets on animal housing are listed below. Click on the fact sheet you wish to view. You will need Acrobat Reader for viewing. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, please click back to the Extension Page and download.
source: http://www.abe.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/g/

Dairy Facility Fact SheetsIf you find you cannot read or download the above fact sheets, please go back to the Extension page and request a hard copy be sent to you via surface mail.
Designing and Building Dairy Cattle Freestalls G-76Manure Management Fact Sheets
Freestall Barn Floorplans and Components G-84 (updated 03/10)
Developing an Elevated Milking Parlor by Steps G-88
Pre-owned Milking Parlors-Opportunity or Big Mistake? G-89
A Primer on Robotic Milking Systems G-105
The Fate of Nutrients and Pathogens During Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Manure G-71Horse Facility Fact Sheets
Dairy Manure Handling G-72
Agricultural Waste Stacking and Handling Pad G-73
Anaerobic Digestion: Biogas Production and Odor Reduction from Manure G-77
Considering an Anaerobic Digester? Steps to Take and Contacts to Make G-86
Biological Manipulation of Manure: Getting What you Want from Animal Manure G-87
Horse Stall Design, UB033Animal Facility Ventilation Fact Sheets
Fire Safety in Horse Stables, UB034
Horse Stable Manure Management, UB035
Horse Stable Flooring Materials & Drainage, UB036
Fence Planning for Horses, UB037
Riding Arena Footing Materials, UB038
Horse Stable Ventilation, UB039
Riding Arena Footing Material Selection and Management Resources G-106
Natural Ventilation for Dairy Tie Stall Barns G-74Miscellaneous Animal Housing Fact Sheets
Natural Ventilation for Freestall Barns G-75
Tunnel Ventilation for Tie Stall Dairy Barns (revised 01/04) G-78
Principles of Measuring Air Quality: Evaluating Livestock Housing Environments G-80
Instruments for Measuring Air Quality: Evaluating Livestock Housing Environments G-81
Evaluating Mechanical Ventilation Systems: Evaluating Livestock Housing Environments G-82
Psychrometric Chart Use G-83
Selecting Rated Ventilation Fans G-85
Inlets for Mechanical Ventilation Systems in Animal Housing G-91
Self-Adjusting Baffle Inlet to Improve Air Distribution G-92
Ventilation Improvements for Veal Calf Housing Using 50-Calf Room Example G-93
Make Your Own Ceiling Inlet Air Speed Monitors G-94
Ventilating Greenhouse Barns-Guidelines for Livestock Production G-102
Selecting Tunnel Ventilation Fans G-103
Ammonia Monitoring in Animal Environments Using Simple Instruments G-110
Sheep Housing Design Criteria G-5
Odor Management in Agriculture and Food Processing: A Manual of Practice for Pennsylvania G-40
Odor Control for Animal Prodution Operations G-79
source: http://www.abe.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/g/

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